Saba Bilal Malik is a graduate of Lahore School of Management Sciences (LUMS) with majors in Accounting and Finance. She is an educationist and is currently working with one of the leading and prestigious educational institution in Dubai by the name of Kings School Dubai. She has worked with special educational needs and believes that learning should be facilitated for all.

Learning should be in a flourishing environment and emotional well-being of the students hold a key priority in the attainment of education. She strongly believes that with support and intervention all children can be helped to achieve greater progress and can reach untapped potential. She aims to offer her experience with SEND to aid an even more fulfilling learning experience.
Saba is the granddaughter of Malik Zafar Ullah Khan (late) who was the founding Chairman of the Education Trust. He along with his sister Mrs. Nasira Wazir Ali -
Sitara -e-Imtiaz (late) laid the foundation of the Education Trust to undertake the dream of ‘education for all”.
She aims to carry on the legacy of her family and carry the becon for the benefit of the younger generation.